Thursday, September 22, 2005

9-21 Morning update

I neglected to post a few things for Wednesday 9-21... oops!

Everything that I described in the other post was what we did starting from noon onwards, but we did have classes before that. Wednesday morning began with the first hebrew class. I was very happy to find out that I was in the highest class for Hebrew, Kvutza Daled (lit.- group four), which happened to meet inside one of the Kibbutz's many bombshelters!

Being early to class, I descened into the dark depths of the Miklat (Hebrew for bombshelter) with Iris. We stumbled a bit as we neared the pitch-black bottom of the shelter since the lights were not on. Once we fixed that, moving around was much easier. It turns out that some of the Kibbutznikim (lit.- people whom live on the kibbutz) had turned this miklat into a makeshift club replete with a disco-ball, several colored lights, decorations on the walls, and a weird "cloud-esque" ceiling. I promise to get a picture up soon!

The class was pretty fun, but not super-instructional -- hopefully that will change once we settle down into a normal schedule. We started by telling the group of our favorite scar and the story behind it (entirely in Hebrew). I told of how my sister (Sarah) and I both gained our love for fencing: by play-fighting each other and BY ACCIDENT sending me to the E.R. with a very deep laceration on my knuckle. Technically, it was my right proximal interphalangeal joint. Enough of that.

We then went around and sang a Hebrew song about the months and used that to learn several words; it was a good idea, except that the words are not what we call ivrit shimusheet, that is, useful hebrew. We then acted out several different situations completely in Hebrew. The funniest was when Idon played the role of an Israeli trying to meet some woman (Liat) on the beach. He played the role of a creepy Israeli better than most Israelis would be able to do it!

We then paired off into groups of two and made pretty, pretty pictures (cynicism intended) depicting the Hebrew months. Hopefully our Ivrit (Hebrew) class will get better.


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