Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Today in Kabul

I had an interesting experience in Kabul today while we were playing several introduction\ice-braking games with our students. These games help us to learn the students names (which are espeically hard to learn since, as of yet, we can barely pronounce them) as well as get the students to start speaking English. One of the games involves everyone recieving a few small squares of paper and writing any sort of noun or short phrase on each square. The squares are then folded up, placed into the center of the circle, and one person from each team gets up to try and act out as well as describe in words what's written on the paper without actually saying the word. It's very similar to the game Taboo except that there are no forbidden words. After several rounds, the Arab student in the middle picked up a square and gave the hint: "It's something that everyone wants - Israelis and Arabs."

The word was "Peace."


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